The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

God will rescue me | I miss you everyday, Words, Words of ...

Will God rescue me? Have you ever cried out to God to rescue you from a situation you were in? How did God respond? How many people did God rescue today when they cried out to Him to save them spiritually? What does this tell us about God?

I remember hearing a testimony many years ago about a couple of men whose plane crashed in the Bearing Sea. They had unwilling taken onboard their plane empty gas cans to be delivered to the community they were flying to. After their plane went down, they were hanging on to those unwanted empty gas cans as they tried to keep above the waves of freezing water. Would God rescue them?

One man praised God as the waves took him away. He thought God was going to rescue him either by a death or a miraculous deliverance. Later they were rescued by an air and sea rescue team. The cold water should have overwhelmed them, but through a miracle the freezing water did no permanent damage. God had indeed saved them to continue to build His Kingdom. 

God Would Rescue the Israelites

Exodus 3:So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey.[1] The Israelites had cried out to God. The Lord heard their cries and would use Moses to deliver His people from the hands of the Egyptians.

God Will Rescue You

Facing the storms of life can be extremely difficult. But during heartache and pain, you can find the hope and courage to go on. With God’s help you will receive the necessary strength to overcome. As difficult as this life storm may be, you are not alone. God is with you always. He loves you, and cares about what is going on in your life. He hears your cries and sees your pain.

Moreover, He understands. Jesus, our High Priest, knows what it is like to walk through a storm. 1 Peter 2:24 Jesus He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed. [2]

By Jesus’ death and resurrection, He rescued us from our sin! He is a God who saves. He is a God who rescues because it is His character. Colossians 1:13 For Jesus has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, 14 who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. [3]

You may wonder, will God rescue me? Listen here:

[1-3] Tyndale House Publishers. (2015). Holy Bible: New Living Translation . Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

2 thoughts on “Will God Rescue Me?

  1. Francine says:

    It’s hard to believe this – that God rescues. It’s been 18 years of a very difficult, unhappy marriage and far away from family. I’ve missed so much. Barely money to travel. Getting older and tired. I’ve prayed so much. Others have such easy lives. Get to live near family and enjoy life.

    1. Paula K. Graves says:

      God knows and sees everything you are going through and will redeem it as you trust Him to rescue

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