The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. What does that mean, and why is the baptism of the Holy Spirit essential? Have you taken the step of faith and asked Jesus into your heart? You don’t want to miss out on the Holy Spirit coming to live inside you. Eternity in heaven begins in this life and continues for eternity.

When Jesus began his ministry, God the Father was doing something new in the life of believers. Jesus came as the promised Messiah to save us from our sins and help us live a new life. Part of living the new life was the promise of the Holy Spirit. John’s baptism demonstrated repentance, humility, and willingness to turn from sin. Jesus talked about the coming of the Holy Spirit several times to his disciples. John 14:26 But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. [1]

At Pentecost, Peter Talks About the Holy Spirit

On the day of Pentecost, the Lord sent the Holy Spirit, and Peter addressed the crowd reminding people of the prophecy of Joel in the Old Testament. Acts 2:16 No, what you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: 17 ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. 18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy. [2]

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Changes You

Baptism of the Holy Spirit changes you from the inside. We receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit when we place our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior and ask the Spirit to live within us. This is our saving relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. Being a believer in Jesus is not just knowing about Jesus but inviting the Holy Spirit to reside in your heart.

The Holy Spirit came upon people in the Old Testament, but now the Holy Spirit dwells in us as believers. As the Holy Spirit pours into our lives, we have the very presence of God dwelling in us as the children of God. What a unique gift the Lord has given us!

As we surrender our lives to the Holy Spirit, the Lord begins to transform us in ways we never thought were possible. You may not feel any sudden changes when you ask Jesus into your heart, but you will grow in hearing the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead you into more profound aspects of faith and help you align your life with His plans.

To hear more about how Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit, listen here:

[1,2] Tyndale House Publishers. (2015). Holy Bible: New Living Translation . Tyndale House Publishers.

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