The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

Many people don’t bother to read the Old Testament because we have the New Testament. But what if we read the OT through the lens of Jesus? Why would we do such a thing? Jesus tells us to. Jesus Says the Old Testament Points to Him Jesus had just joined two disciples returning home after …

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If you have watched space science fiction shows, you have seen spaceships cloaking to hide from their enemies. In this week’s story, we see God’s version of cloaking. Jesus is walking with two disciples, and they don’t realize it is Jesus. Why was Jesus’ Identity Hidden? Two disciples were returning to their home in Emmaus …

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What if Jesus does the unexpected in your life? Will you be offended and walk away from Jesus? Or will you use this as an opportunity for a new adventure with the Lord? The Disciples Had Expectations of the Kingdom of Jesus The two disciples walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus shared their expectations of Jesus …

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Can we believe the reports? These past two years have seen an increase of conflicting information on the internet. The two disciples walking from Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus experienced something similar. Conflicting Reports These two believers had heard reports about the women that had gone to the tomb to anoint the body of …

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As we do in the fall, Israel, too, celebrated a thanksgiving for the end of the harvest. Leviticus 23 lists The Feast of Tabernac. It took place on the 15th of the Jewish seventh month. This would be in September or October on our calendar today. It would be at this time that the harvest …

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As Jesus came to fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles, an elaborate sacrifice schedule was simplified. For the cross was the pivot point from the old covenant to the new covenant. An Elaborate Sacrifice Schedule The Feast of Tabernacles was an eight-day celebration and in Numbers 29, God lays out an elaborate sacrifice schedule. There, in …

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We have seen that the waving of palm branches was a tradition of the Feast of Tabernacles. Psalm 118 was also recited during worship in the celebration. Some of the words from this Psalm 118 include: 25Please, Lord, please save us (Greek – Hosanna) 26Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord.[1] Jesus Enters Jerusalem …

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Another Temple tradition that had developed during the Feast of Tabernacles was the Temple Lighting ceremony. This was not commanded by God but pointed to God as the source of light. Giant Candles lit the Temple On the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, three seventy-five-foot-high candles were constructed in the court of the …

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During the time of Jesus, the tradition of the water libation offering had developed. While this was a tradition and not something God had commanded. Jesus used the occasion to tell the people who He was. Thanking God for Water During an Offering The land of Israel has an arid climate and rain is important …

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When the people were in the wilderness after leaving Egypt, they had to depend on God for their provision. God provided food, water, and didn’t allow their clothes to wear out. The Feast of Tabernacles also celebrates God provision in the past, the present, and looks forward to His provision in the future. Remembering Their …

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