The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

Have you ever experienced divine intervention? Divine intervention is defined as, “the involvement (intervention) of the Lord.” [1] There are times in our lives when we know that what happened was only because God intervened. It was God who saved us from dying in an accident or healed when the odds were stacked against us. God …

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I was involved with a children’s outreach ministry a few years ago. One of my favorite classes was the Kindergarten through second grade group. It was thrilling to watch how excited they were to learn about Jesus. They just loved being there. Why was this so significant? These kids were welcoming to Jesus. It is …

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As a small child, I can remember being excited about receiving Christmas gifts. Each day of December seemed like it crawled by until that special day arrived when we could open our gifts from my parents. The Greatest Gift As I have gotten much older, I have come to appreciate the greatest gift. the gift …

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Shame is a powerful emotion. Shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.[1] It’s not just the feeling of guilt or “I’ve done something bad.” Shame is the feeling that I am something bad. Satan is a Liar We may feel shame for …

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