The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

Obedience requires humility. We won’t obey God’s directives unless we acknowledge that He knows more and is more significant than we are. If we don’t think God has our best interest at heart, we will do what we desire instead of what God commands. Jesus is our Example of Humility Micah prophesied that the Messiah …

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Can daily living be worship? So often, modern Christians categorize worship as happening in a church building on Sunday morning. Each Christian tradition has what they call an order of worship. It may include a particular song style, Scripture reading, a teaching time, and prayers. While this gathering together to worship is essential, it is …

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The people of Micah’s day worried about ritual sacrifice but forgot about the sacrifice of right living. Micah’s conversation with the people leads them to ask questions about worship. Basically, they ask what can we do to make up for the wrong things we have done? Then they list many animal sacrifices. Micah’s audience learns …

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Micah gives us insight into social justice and the hope of Jesus. Social injustice was the great sin that marked the society of his day. Micah 3: 9 Listen to me, you leaders of Israel! You hate justice and twist all that is right.[1] Micah knew there was the hope of a Savior to come who …

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I believe your view of God influences worship. Why? If you think God is a mean, greedy being to be appeased, you will worship only to placate Him. You will not want to spend time or do more than is required. But, if you think God loves you, has a plan for your life, and …

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God saved the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt and gave them rules to follow. But you can’t bribe God. The sacrificial system was only a stopgap until Jesus shed His blood on the cross. Hebrews 10:1The old system under the law of Moses was only a shadow, a dim preview of the good things …

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Judgment, mercy, and hope don’t seem like they should be in the same sentence. We like to hear about mercy and hope because they sound positive. We have a negative opinion of judgment and try to avoid it at all costs. Yet, we desire justice. Even very young children know when something is unfair. God …

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