The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

For many years we lived a few miles from the majestic Pacific Ocean. We often went to watch the waves roll in on the beach. I never tired of watching the waves that displayed the beauty of creation. The Lord provides an amazing world with great blessings from the Lord. Scripture shows that gifts from …

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There is a journey from our desires to God’s. Have you ever been surprised about how the Bible comments on itself? The writer of Hebrews wants the recipients of the letter to keep the faith. To encourage them, he wrote about people who have kept the faith in the past. He included Isaac in this …

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One of the greatest gifts that can be given is the gift of blessing your children. These are godly blessings from parents by words and actions to their children. Blessings builds others up and conveys the fact that all our blessings are possible because of God. Long after our parents are gone, those early blessings …

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In life there will be disappointments. It could be a loss of a job, a failed test, a broken relationship, a loss of a sports contest, or a poor grade. The question is not if we will have disappointments, but how to go about dealing with disappointment? Our sinful human tendency is to deal with …

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Have you ever had someone lie to you? How did that make you feel? How did that affect your relationship with that person or organization? What kind of damage resulted in that deception? No one likes to be deceived and the damage it causes often is long lasting. Truth blesses and deception destroys. Truth versus …

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