The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

Today’s Scripture & Insight: Matthew 11:28-30

What does it mean to be made holy? To be made holy means to be set apart. You may ask, “Set apart for what?” For God’s purposes in His Kingdom. How does that happen? When we come to faith by placing our faith in Jesus as our Savior. When we do that, we begin our amazing journey of faith with the Lord.

This is God’s design for us all. It is through the restoration made possible by Jesus, that we can trust God enough to say yes to His kingdom assignment. He has designed us to work in His kingdom. Our default mode is to work in our kingdom and bring glory to ourselves. God allows us to refuse – many in Judah did refuse the message God gave them through the years and from Jeremiah. It ended in their destruction. God does not desire to harm us but running from God has its consequences. God can restore and empower us to work in His kingdom for His glory – to do what He designed us.

Do you feel far from God as you read this? If you do the Lord wants to know that you may feel far away, but the Lord is always near you and loves you. The Lord sees your struggles and wants you to give your burden to him. Even if we feel near to God sometimes the burdens of this lifetime can overwhelm us. 

28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” [1]

Take the Lord’s hand and let him take your burdens, and let him help you to build His Kingdom together. 

To hear the story of Jeremiah’s call from God, listen here:

To learn more listen to these teachings:

[1]Tyndale House Publishers. (2015). Holy Bible: New Living Translation(Mt 11:28–30). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

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