The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

There is something significant about enduring temptations that brings blessings. James 1:12 God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life God promised those who love him.[1] As we work through temptations, it takes patience as we look to God for our strength. Today, you may be struggling …

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Being faithful to Jesus throughout life is God’s plan for each person. Jesus wants everyone to be saved and live with Him in heaven someday. Sometimes we stumble in our walk with Jesus, but He continually calls us back to Himself in His mercy. Today’s place in life may not be where the Lord wants …

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The writer of Hebrews warns: don’t become weary of doing good. Why would he do this? It is easy in this sinful world to tire of trying to do good. Evil so often seems to overcome our good that we want to give up. Hebrews eleven shows how people of faith endured despite obstacles. The …

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Jesus endured the cross for you. Not only did He suffer physically but spiritually as all our sin was poured out on Him. When Jesus was crucified the only disciple at the base of the cross was John. There werefaithful women including His mother Mary there, also. They were all eyewitnesses to what Jesus endured …

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