The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

The world chases after many things, but true riches are found in Jesus. When I graduated from college, I went through a time of self-discovery, pursuing the things of this world. A few years later, I realized that my faith in Jesus is where real wealth is. Are you chasing the world? Is the Lord …

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Having an open heart to receive Jesus is the first step to faith. A heart that is open to Jesus is like good soil for the seeds of the Gospel. As people, we can either harden our hearts or have an open heart to receive Jesus and be guided by the Holy Spirit. Our response …

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The battle between good and evil has continued since satan fell and will continue until Jesus comes again. With all that is happening in the world, people are awakening to the fact that they are in a spiritual battle. The good news is Jesus defeated satan when He died for our sins on the cross …

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God brings good from persecution, a thread we see throughout the Bible and today. When I was a small boy, my mother’s parents attended a church pastored by a man from Estonia who had served time in a Russian prison because of his faith. Being in prison was a severe hardship, but God used this …

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Not everyone knows Jesus as their Savior. This points out the need for evangelism. As believers, we are blessed by knowing Jesus as our Savior, but we also have a special responsibility. Jesus tells us that believers need to go out into the harvest field to tell people about Him. Luke 10:2 These were Jesus’ instructions …

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