The Light of Christ Journey

Encouraging people on their journey with Christ

Following the when the odds are against you is not easy. Have you had to depend on the Lord when the odds were against you? How did the Lord help you through that situation? How did this strengthen your faith? Sometimes when we follow the Lord’s plan for our life, our family and friends don’t …

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I cried to the Lord for help. Have you ever done the same? The Scriptures are filled with stories of people crying out to the Lord, especially during difficult times. The story of the Israelites in Judges chapter four is a story of people who have found their problems are so large only the Lord …

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Have you ever thought about guarding your heart? To guard our heart means to keep watch, watch over, protect or preserve our inner self.[1] We may think of security personnel guarding a business or soldiers guarding something important, but we don’t often think of guarding our heart. Guarding your heart is significant and affects life …

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Did you know the Lord wants to use you to save others from going to hell? You might not feel worthy of such a task. Perhaps you think that this task is too large.  Neither is true. It is God’s desire to work through ordinary people like you to save other people. This is so …

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Do you have a barrier in your life that you are struggling to overcome? It could be fear, pride, lack of self-discipline, an addiction, or a health issue. God helps us overcome barriers.  If we are honest, all of us struggle to overcome something at some point in our life. Fortunately, if are willing to …

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Following the Lord’s plan takes faith. Why is that? What is the Lord teaching us when we have to give up our plan for his? Why does the Lord want us to experience walking by faith not sight? Over my lifetime the Lord has taught me many things about following His plan.  For the first …

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What is the greatest gift you have ever received? As I have matured both in age and spiritually, I realize that Jesus is the greatest gift I will ever receive. The Lord is the great giver who gives to us because He loves us. The Great Giver gave Israel the Promised Land The Israelite spies …

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Have you ever considered how God gives wisdom and insight? Have you ever prayed for wisdom? Perhaps you were in a difficult situation and didn’t know which way to turn. Many times, we must be desperate before we look to the Lord for help. Often, we exhaust all earthly avenues of help before we finally …

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This week’s story shows how there are blessings for obedience. The Lord gives us interesting insight into the spiritual condition of Jericho. Hebrews 11:31 It was by faith that Rahab the prostitute was not destroyed with the people in her city who refused to obey God. For she had given a friendly welcome to the spies. …

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